Social Credit System Scores and Rankings by Durango Dank - News GP7A Newsroom

Published Nov 28, 2006 11:28 AM | Updated; Nov 28, 2021 4:28 PM by "Social Scores Rankings" Observer "Indexer" @socialcreditsystemscoresandrankings Verified Social Credit Repair | About | "Social Credit System Scores and Rankings" Verified by "Google My Business Developer" and "Digital World Acquisitions" - Principal and Developer "Marcus Giavanni" -  */MAN/* Verified "Metahumanman"

"Learn to create, build, and protect your "Social Scores and Rankings".  Learn to create build and protect your Verified Google Avatars; Your social Scores and Rankings, matched with your permanent FICO Scores.  Your Personal Credit and now your social credit will be combined.  And a "Social Score and Rankings" will determine your careers, or be canceled"."

Artificial Intelligence by Marcus Giavanni will control this new system, which is digitally automated. Remember, the Internet is a Tyrannical Beast, feeding off the emotions and habits of humans, and looking for ways to control you, your clouds, your identity, your emails, texts, images, videos, locations (GPS), and with whom you may be in contact. Learning-capable virtual machines (VMs). Using our latest voice prints and all background noises, we can now index conversation to conversations.  

This indexing process begins with our voices. They are being recorded (indexed) as back conversations paralleled with current host conversations. This allows us to access digital platforms by using our voices. All of these government nodes have access to all information no matter what, whether it's your intenter provider, homeland security, or other unknown actors in the IoT. 

These government nodes; all have first access to all information coming to and from all devices.  And when you try to hide your locations. You are automatically flagged by (@AI) to (#AI).  This content is used for augmented reality where needed. and is used as a demo/*.*\ - Metahuman Adventures and Marcus Giavanni